1. Information about the project and its application context.
1.a- General information about the issuer.
Issuer’s name: INDÓMITOS S.A.S.
Legal address: 1334 Rivadavia – First Floor – Venado Tuerto – Argentina.
1.b- Application context, identified problem, and value proposition.
1.b1- Application context and identified problem.
Sedentary lifestyle is a scourge that affects a large part of humanity, especially young people. There are compelling statistics in this regard, disseminated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and various governmental/professional organizations.
” Globally, around 27% of adults and 81% of adolescents do not meet the World Health Organization’s 2010 global recommendations on physical activity, and there has been little improvement in the past 10 years. Additionally, notable disparities exist: data shows that in nearly all countries, girls and women are less active than boys and men, and levels of physical activity vary significantly among different socioeconomic groups and depending on the country and region.” (1)
“In Argentina, less than 20% of adolescents engage in the recommended physical activity for their age, and this prevalence is higher among adolescent girls, of whom only 12% meet the minimum requirements to be considered active. As for the adult population, half are sedentary, and among older adults, it rises to 60%. For adolescents and children, it is recommended to minimize the use of electronic devices (tablets, computers, cell phones, PlayStation) to less than one hour per day, encourage outdoor play, participation in clubs and recreational centers, and joining gyms where they can be guided by specialized personnel in strength exercises.” (2)
“Worldwide, 68% of deaths in urban areas are caused by non-communicable chronic diseases, largely related to sedentary lifestyle. Over half of boys and girls aged 5 to 17 are insufficiently active, as well as 52.5% of adults (18 years or older). The role of the family is crucial, with over 50% of cases citing parental motivation for engaging in sports, and when comparing both spouses, the role of the mother is more prominent than that of the father (30% and 21%).” (3)
“Physical inactivity or lack of exercise is considered one of the major risk factors in the development of cardiovascular disease, and a direct relationship has been established between a sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular mortality. A sedentary person is at higher risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, and respiratory diseases. …sedentary behavior is a modifiable risk factor, which means that adopting a lifestyle that includes regular physical exercise can improve the health of sedentary individuals and reduce their cardiovascular risk. In this regard, there is a crucial aspect which is prevention in childhood. Educating young children about the importance of an active lifestyle, moderate exercise, and outdoor activities is the only way to help them become healthy adults. In addition to causing significant damage to our cardiovascular system, sedentary behavior contributes to exacerbating the effects of other risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, or high cholesterol. Sedentary individuals tend to be overweight, often smoke, and typically have an unbalanced diet. On the contrary, it has been demonstrated that physical activity and exercise contribute to weight management and help control blood pressure and cholesterol levels.” (4)
Furthermore, the level of public and private healthcare expenditure related to these issues is extremely high. There are numerous analyses in this regard, which this exposition does not intend to delve into.
1) Source: “WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: At a Glance.” Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020.
2) Source: “Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity: How They Impact Health.” Article published by the Argentine Foundation of Cardiology and Argentine Society of Cardiology.
3) Source: Survey by the Vice Chief of Government of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A.) (Year 2017) – General Directorate of Family Development in collaboration with the Argentine Catholic University, with a sample of 2,400 families.
4) Source: Article published by the Spanish Heart Foundation, reviewed by Dr. Alfonso Valle Muñoz, Chief of Service at Hospital Marina Salud, Denia (Alicante).
1.b2- FeboAsoma's Proposal
Recognizing the Value of Amateur Sports Efforts.Engaging in sports activities proves to be highly beneficial in reducing sedentary behavior as a global issue. While many individuals lead an active lifestyle and participate in sports and recreational activities, there is also a significant proportion of people who do not engage in such activities. Various reasons discourage them, such as the effort, discipline, time commitment, adoption of healthy nutritional habits, and the need to purchase appropriate sports attire, among other things. Additionally, limited financial resources may hinder their access to gyms, clubs, or training groups.
The development of a community of amateur athletes is crucial for our societies. Within this community, three key actors play vital roles:
1-Coaches of sports training schools who are primary motivators and contributors to physical preparation.
2-Organizers of competitions/events, who facilitate the necessary events for participants to achieve their desired accomplishments.
3-Sports and social clubs, which provide suitable facilities for activities to take place.
FeboAsoma is a platform with a mission to promote and incentivize the development of amateur sports activities, utilizing blockchain technology as a means to connect the various actors within this community. To achieve this, we have created Febo Token, which represents recognition of the effort made by each amateur athlete who engages in the following behaviors:
A) Participation in amateur sports competitions.
B) Attendance at Sports Training Schools.
C) Membership in Sports Clubs.
Engaging in sports and adopting healthy habits immediately reduces sedentary behavior and associated health issues. With Febo Token, utilizing blockchain technology, we can generate economically meaningful incentives for the sports community, without any associated costs for its utilization.
With Febo Token, you always win!
2. Technological Platform.
2.a- Launch of Operations and Future Projection.
FeboAsoma begins its operations in Argentina, promoting multidisciplinary amateur sports activities without restricting or limiting them to any specific sport. The practice of any amateur sports discipline can be rewarded with Febo Tokens.
There are plans to scale the project for implementation anywhere else in the world. Sedentary behavior is a global issue, and the benefits of sports extend beyond borders.
Febo Token is a crypto asset created to encourage and incentivize behaviors related to sports participation and healthy habits, recognizing the value of the effort involved. Configured on the mainnet of Polygon Blockchain, it represents access rights to discounts at businesses affiliated with FeboAsoma, the technological platform that enables the exchange of Febo Tokens among users through the Febo App. Polygon Blockchain is a sidechain of the Ethereum network, fully compatible with its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing for high scalability and compatibility of FeboAsoma with other projects in the crypto ecosystem.

In the field of decentralized applications (DApps) based on blockchain technology, Polygon Network has emerged as a prominent solution. It is a layer 2 blockchain network that has gained recognition for its ability to address scalability and cost challenges associated with layer 1 blockchain networks like Ethereum.
It has become the ideal choice for FeboAsoma and its native token, Febo, due to its outstanding benefits and features, including improved scalability, reduced costs, interoperability, security, compatibility with smart contracts, user-friendly environment, and an active community.
Febo tokens are ERC-20 tokens that qualify as purpose tokens and are issued by the main smart contract of the FeboAsoma platform. They do not have an expiration date (except for those remaining inactive in a wallet for 6 months). They are not cryptocurrencies, and their value is not equivalent to any other token. Their purpose is to reward behaviors performed by users of the Febo App, the technological component that connects all users.
Each behavior to be rewarded will be predefined by FeboAsoma, and its fulfillment will be validated through the “Proof of Conduct (PoC)” procedure carried out by Oracles. Subsequently, Febo Tokens will be assigned to the respective users’ wallets.
Finally, these reward tokens can be redeemed for discount coupons at affiliated businesses or exchanged among different members of the Febo community.
2.b- Features of FEBO APP, the ecosystem linking component.

2.b1- User profiles.
The Febo community consists of different types of users, grouped into 4 profiles based on their functionality:
Amateur athletes: These are individuals who download FeboApp and receive Febo Tokens as rewards for engaging in any of the promoted behaviors or through the initial subscription airdrop provided by the platform. Guests: These are individuals who only receive Febo Tokens as “gifts” from other community members or through the initial subscription airdrop provided by the platform. Affiliated Businesses/Service Providers (from various sectors): These are providers of goods or services who wish to recognize the efforts of amateur athletes and offer discount coupons that can be exchanged for Febo Tokens, without any restrictions or conditions. Oracles: They are key actors in the amateur sports ecosystem and are responsible for validating proof of conduct (PoC) tests that lead to the allocation of Febo Tokens as rewards to athletes. Oracles can be classified as: d.1- Event organizers: These are individuals or companies responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing all aspects of a sports event (competition, tournament, race, exhibition, etc.). Their goal is to ensure that events are carried out safely, efficiently, and successfully. d.2- Sports clubs: These are non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting the practice and development of various sports disciplines in a specific community. They may consist of individuals of all ages and skill levels, from children to adults, and offer training and competition programs for their members. d.3- Sports trainers: These are professionals who specialize in developing athletic skills, improving performance, and promoting positive values in the athletes under their care. They have the responsibility of training and developing the skills of athletes in one or more sports disciplines, regardless of the environment in which they operate (private or public spaces of any kind). Oracles will also receive Febo Tokens as rewards for validating behaviors/events and providing the necessary information for the entire community to access their Febo Tokens.2.b2- Composition and functionalities of Febo App
It consists of:
-A Wallet for managing and handling Febo Tokens by different user profiles, enabling them to send/receive Febo Tokens among athletes, guests, and oracles.
-A Discount Coupons Marketplace, where affiliated businesses can freely offer discounts as rewards to the Febo community, without any restrictions.
Meanwhile, athletes, guests, or oracles can redeem these discount coupons in exchange for the Febo Tokens they have available.
-A Competitions and Sports Events Marketplace, where the Febo community can access and register for various sports competitions and events.
-A historical record of sports achievements and behaviors, accessible to amateur athletes, allowing them to view certificates of completion (initially available in QR and PDF formats, and in the future, available in NFT format).
-A Febo Tokens Marketplace, where athletes and oracles can purchase Febo Tokens using fiat money, according to the conditions outlined in 2.c4 f).
2.c- Tokenomics - Limited issuance of Febo Tokens.
Closed circuit with indefinite recirculation. The smart contract for Febo Token, denoted as (0xe5ec3eDc4f61E868e7dE0a1904Cf0fB0
4F5F4d93), is developed in the Solidity programming language and implemented on the main network of the Polygon Blockchain, a sidechain of the Ethereum network (and 100% compatible with its EVM). It establishes the creation of a master wallet (0xb91f07756b854eea45688d35c483e4f5a
67c4b59) with a total supply of 42,195,000 Febo Tokens.
Why 42,195,000 Febo Tokens? Just as Satoshi Nakamoto determined that only 21 million Bitcoins will be issued, FeboAsoma has decided that the Masterwallet will manage a quantity of Febo Tokens equivalent to 1,000,000 Marathons (the most iconic distance in athletics, measuring 42.195 km).
These 42,195,000 Febo Tokens available in the master wallet will be assigned to an active wallet (0x4F5Abba00610045c49F12d45E96d89
fE1a5a2033) each time an oracle validates a Proof of Conduct. This active wallet also contains all the respective specific individual wallets for each of the users mentioned in 2.b1 and will allocate the Febo Tokens to the amateur athletes who have fulfilled the promoted behaviors by FeboAsoma. This validation algorithm is referred to as Proof of Activity (PoA), a test of validity and activity of movements in active febo users implemented in the febo core (the main modular layer and core of the platform).
The Febo Tokens exchanged between user “profiles” and oracles circulate freely and without any charge for transactions between individual wallets, until they are received by a wallet with the “merchant” profile (2.b1 c). At that moment, the Febo Tokens leave the individual wallets of athlete users/oracles, pass through the individual wallet of the affiliated business/provider, go through the active wallet, and return to the master wallet. This is made possible through the implementation of “Super-alias,” a new technology of “unique alias” that enables the mentioned free and unrestricted circulation of tokens. In this way, the circuit of Febo Tokens is closed, allowing for their circular feedback.
Closed circuit with indefinite recirculation. The smart contract for Febo Token, denoted as (0xe5ec3eDc4f61E868e7dE0a1904Cf0fB04F5F4d93), is developed in the Solidity programming language and implemented on the main network of the Polygon Blockchain, a sidechain of the Ethereum network (and 100% compatible with its EVM). It establishes the creation of a master wallet (0xb91f07756b854eea45688d35c483e4f5a67c4b59) with a total supply of 42,195,000 Febo Tokens.
Why 42,195,000 Febo Tokens? Just as Satoshi Nakamoto determined that only 21 million Bitcoins will be issued, FeboAsoma has decided that the Masterwallet will manage a quantity of Febo Tokens equivalent to 1,000,000 Marathons (the most iconic distance in athletics, measuring 42.195 km).
These 42,195,000 Febo Tokens available in the master wallet will be assigned to an active wallet (0x4F5Abba00610045c49F12d45E96d89fE1a5a2033) each time an oracle validates a Proof of Conduct. This active wallet also contains all the respective specific individual wallets for each of the users mentioned in 2.b1 and will allocate the Febo Tokens to the amateur athletes who have fulfilled the promoted behaviors by FeboAsoma. This validation algorithm is referred to as Proof of Activity (PoA), a test of validity and activity of movements in active febo users implemented in the febo core (the main modular layer and core of the platform).
The Febo Tokens exchanged between user “profiles” and oracles circulate freely and without any charge for transactions between individual wallets, until they are received by a wallet with the “merchant” profile (2.b1 c). At that moment, the Febo Tokens leave the individual wallets of athlete users/oracles, pass through the individual wallet of the affiliated business/provider, go through the active wallet, and return to the master wallet. This is made possible through the implementation of “Super-alias,” a new technology of “unique alias” that enables the mentioned free and unrestricted circulation of tokens. In this way, the circuit of Febo Tokens is closed, allowing for their circular feedback.
2.c1- Allocation of Febo Tokens: Timing and Quantity.
For amateur athletes:
Proof of Conduct (PoC): They will receive the reward once the oracle validates the conduct test. Essential condition: The email of the amateur athlete must match the email provided by the oracle at the time of validating the PoC. The amount of Febo Tokens assigned to the users’ wallets will represent access rights to discounts equivalent (in fiat money) to 100% of the amount that the amateur athlete paid to the oracle (as a fee or membership fee) to attend the training school, belong to the club, or participate in a competition.
-Airdrop: They will receive 100 Febo Tokens as a reward for registering as a user of FeboAsoma.
For guests:
-Airdrop: They will receive 100 Febo Tokens as a reward for registering as a user of FeboAsoma.
For oracles:
–Proof of Conduct (PoC): They will receive the reward once they perform the validation of the conduct test. It will be assigned to the oracle’s wallet.
A quantity of Febo Tokens equivalent to 5% of the total assigned to amateur athletes in that process.
Airdrop: They will receive 100 Febo Tokens as a reward for registering as a user of FeboAsoma.
2.c2- Exchange of Febo Tokens
It can be freely done between amateur athletes, guests, and oracles, who can voluntarily send/receive their Febo Tokens.
2.c3- Offering of discount coupons and their redemption for Febo Tokens.
Users with a merchant/provider profile can freely publish offers of discount coupons redeemable for Febo Tokens, without any restrictions or arbitrary conditions, respecting and promoting a market of free competition.
Users can freely choose which coupon(s) they want to redeem, generating the redemption request. At this point, their Febo Tokens enter “Febo Jail,” a temporary storage cell that will hold the tokens until the process continues (either by accepting the request, rejecting the request, or the request expiring).
Once the redemption requests for coupons with febos are received, the affiliated merchant/provider will have the possibility to accept those requests made by users within 24 hours after the request is submitted. If this period is exceeded, the request will become void (expired), and the Febo Tokens will return to the user’s wallet.
The acceptance of the request implies that the affiliated merchant/provider is the one who gives and recognizes economic value to the febo tokens, which will not remain at their disposal but will be automatically transferred to the mentioned Masterwallet in point 2.c above.
Therefore, affiliated merchants/providers will receive Febo Tokens upon accepting a redemption request, but they cannot store them in their respective wallets and cannot send Febo Tokens to other users.
The acceptance of the redemption requests by the affiliated merchant/provider obliges them to effectively provide the promised discount to the user and to pay the corresponding consideration to the FeboAsoma platform as indicated in point 2.c4 below.

2.c4- Business model
The FeboAsoma platform will finance its operations and achieve financial sustainability through the following methods:
a) It will charge a transaction fee to affiliated merchants/providers who have accepted the coupon redemption request with Tokens. This transaction fee will be equivalent to a percentage of the value of the Discount Coupon actually applied to the user and must be paid with fiat currency. Failure to pay in a timely manner may result in temporary suspension from using the platform.
b) It will charge an affiliation fee to those merchants/providers who wish to join FeboAsoma after 12/31/2023.
c) It will charge advertising fees for displaying advertisements through Febo App, whether to promote merchants/providers or sports competitions/events.
d) It will incorporate a registration management platform for sports competitions/events for which a percentage fee will be charged based on the registration fee.
e) No membership fee is envisaged for the Profiles mentioned in points 2.b1 a), b), or d), so their inclusion in the febo community will always be free of charge.
f) Sale of Febo Tokens in exchange for fiat currency. This transaction can only be carried out by amateur athletes, guests, or oracles who wish to purchase tokens, with a maximum purchase limit equivalent to the amount of Febos they currently possess at the time of deciding to make the purchase.
3. Team. Mission, Vision, and Values.
Our mission: To promote and incentivize human behaviors related to sports and healthy habits, recognizing the value of the effort involved.
Our vision: To generate and strengthen connections within the amateur sports community, pioneering the rewarding of behaviors that reduce sedentary lifestyles and promote healthy habits.
Our values: Commitment to the amateur sports community and organizations that acknowledge effort. Innovation and technological development. Responsibility. Solidarity. Teamwork.
We are passionate about technology, sports, and the human values instilled through its practice. We form a team committed to encouraging and promoting commendable personal behaviors that bring value to the individual and the surrounding environment, aiming to reduce sedentary lifestyles and improve society’s quality of life.